Many BMJ journals mandate ORCID IDs for the corresponding author of research papers. BMJ encourages all authors and reviewers to link their academic work to their ORCID iD. To learn more about ORCiD, please visit http://orcid.org/content/initiative .

Authors are responsible for linking their ORCID iD and their work in one of two ways. Our preference is that authors add their ORCID iD to their ScholarOne account prior to the acceptance of the article; the work will be listed in the authors publications on ORCID automatically, and the ORCID logo will appear on the publication in the journal. Alternatively, after publication, authors can link their work to their ORCID iD manually; the work will be added to their list of publications, but the ORCID logo will not appear next to their name on their published work online.

Reviewers can also share their activity by connecting their review to their ORCID account and gain recognition for their contributions.

How to add an ORCID ID to a Scholar One account

  1. In ScholarOne: go to your name at the top of the login screen and select from the drop down menu ‘Email / Name’.
  2. From the options on screen: select either ‘Create an ORCID iD’ or ‘Associate your existing ORCID iD’
  3. By registering or signing in: with your email and password, your iD will now be linked

Please note that BMJ does not add ORCID IDs to ScholarOne accounts on behalf of the authors. In circumstances where authors decide to link their ORCID account after the acceptance letter has been sent, authors need to manually associate work with their account after publication. ORCID iDs are not added to proofs in the production phase.

Peer review reports in ORCID records

Depending on the peer review model of the journal, information about the review will be entered into the reviewer’s ORCID record:

  • If the journal operates anonymised peer review, only the journal title will be entered into the ORCID record; there is no identification of the paper
  • If the journal operates open peer review: information about the journal, review and article will be entered into the ORCID record (title, DOI, URL, etc.)