Self-archiving in a repository (Green open access)

At BMJ Group we understand that it can be difficult to navigate the complexities of different types of open access. Read on to find out what ‘Green open access’ is and what it means for you.

This information applies to articles being published with BMJ Group. If you are looking for information on preprints, see here.

What is Green open access?
‘Green’ open access is sometimes also referred to as self-archiving. It means posting a version of your article to an open access article repository. The version of your article deposited will usually be the final, post-peer review version accepted by a journal (the ‘Author Accepted Manuscript’ or AAM) but not the typeset, branded, published journal article itself (the ‘Version of Record’).

Some funders and employers require you to post a Green open access version of your article and may specify where, when and how you must do this. Your funder or your university library will be able to advise you on their specific requirements.

BMJ Group has a user-friendly and relaxed Green open access policy. You will be able to comply with your funder’s or employer’s requirements when publishing with us.

How can I use the Green route to make my article open access?
How you can use Green open access will depend on how you are publishing with us.

  • My article will be published open access in a BMJ journal. You can post the Version of Record (VOR) – the journal PDF – almost anywhere: to your institutional repository (e.g. via your university library), to a scholarly network (e.g. ResearchGate), your own website, or any other website. If the article was published using the CC BY-NC licence (see here for more on licences) then the reposting may not be for anybody’s commercial benefit. If the article was published under a CC BY licence, then the article may be reused in any way, including commercially. In both cases you should also include a link back to the article in the journal. Unless you are posting the PDF in full you must remove any branding or trademarks of BMJ or any society. There are other requirements around translations and retractions/corrections. See here for the full terms and conditions.
  • My article will not be published open access in a BMJ journal. You may still post your article widely, and using any of the options above, but you may only post the Author’s Accepted Manuscript (AAM) – final submitted version – and not the Version of Record (VOR).
  • Will BMJ Group do this for me? We will send your article to PubMed Central (PMC) and its mirror sites (e.g. EuropePMC) only if your article is being published open access in one of our journals.
  • Is there a charge? Do I need to inform you? There is no charge from BMJ Group for authors to use the Green open access route and there is no embargo. You may post your article as soon as it has been published. You do not need to inform us.

Further details
Read our terms and conditions for futher information. For more assistance please contact the BMJ Group team.