Open access agreements for France: information for authors


Under the terms of BMJ’s open access agreement with CHRU de Lille, CHRU de Toulouse, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Université Côte d’Azur and Université de Bordeaux, corresponding authors* are eligible to publish their research open access (with fees covered by the agreement) in a range of BMJ journals.

You will also find information here if your institution has additional open access
agreement options with BMJ.

*Acting as the main contact with us after editorial acceptance.

What authors need to know

  • Articles eligible for publication under the Agreement: original research articles only (original articles reporting on primary research) in:
    BMJ Standard Collection (hybrid) journals
    Gold (fully open access) journals, including The BMJ 
  • You must be the corresponding author* of the article.
  • You must be affiliated with an eligible institution, at the time at which your article is accepted for publication.
  • Your institution’s OA Agreement with BMJ must be active, with sufficient funds, on acceptance of your paper.
  • You must clearly state your primary affiliation in the published manuscript.
  • You will need to verify your eligibility at submission using both your institution’s Ringgold ID and email domain. Find out more about Ringgold IDs and why they are important.
  • All open access articles will be published allowing reuse under a CC-BY licence. It is important you validate your funder correctly on submission, by selecting from the drop down list, and supplying details of funder name(s) and grant number(s).
  • Some institutions have agreements that allow you to publish research, even if not covered by one of the eligible funders. In this case open access articles will be published allowing reuse under a CC-BY licence or CC-BY-NC in selected journals**.

*Acting as the main contact with us after editorial acceptance.
** Please check with your library administrator for licence details.

To find out if you are entitled to institutional funding, where your fees will be covered by the Agreement, please follow our simple steps below. If you’re ready to submit your paper you can do so straightaway by clicking on the relevant journal from the drop down menu in step 2.

Ready to publish? Next steps

1. Select your institution

2. How you can publish with fees covered by your institution

3. Ready to submit?


Ready to go? Then head straight to the journal’s drop down opposite. Any journal you select will have a clear “Submit” button on its home page.

Need a bit more help? You may find this guide useful when submitting your article:

Download OA at BMJ author guide

In addition, this video gives you an overview of publishing your article OA with us:

You may also find the accompanying infographic useful:

Download “How to publish your article open access with BMJ” infographic

Learn how to access and use the RightsLink® institutional portal to manage your open access business.

Auto Approval CCC Guide

3. Ready to submit?


Ready to go? Then head straight to the journal’s drop down opposite. Any journal you select will have a clear “Submit” button on its home page.

Need a bit more help? You may find this guide useful when submitting your article:

Download OA at BMJ author guide

In addition, this video gives you an overview of publishing your article OA with us:

You may also find the accompanying infographic useful:

Download “How to publish your article open access with BMJ” infographic

Learn how to access and use the RightsLink® institutional portal to manage your open access business.

Auto Approval CCC Guide